05 August 2007

Southern Documentaries

Last night Jesse & I watched "Small Town Gay Bar," a documentary which explores a few gay bars in rural Mississippi. It's incredibly interesting. The secret subculture that is created in these small towns is what I find most amazing; these people seem to struggle ultimately between their private lives & public lives.

I couldn't find the trailer online to post, but you should Netflix it or something.

This morning I watched "Hell House," which is a doc filmed in Dallas about a church that uses scare-tactics within a haunted house in order to help "save" teenagers from sin. What goes on in the haunted house is abominable. It is implied that it is a girl's fault for being raped (both by her father & later at a rave), that all homosexuals will get AIDS, and that a woman who chooses to have an abortion will ultimately bleed to death out of her vagina. Seriously!

Here's a low-quality video of the hospital scene from the documentary:

There is one shot in the beginning where the preacher is standing before his church's sign & the way he is positioned looks like the sign reads, "The ass... of God." That part was pretty great.


colleen said...

when i was in high school (in the delightful town you now reside it) i actually attended a hell house. a friend was performing in it and described it as a 'haunted house' but it was less fun-scary and more you're-going-to-hell-you-heathen-scary. i was not amused, except at the end when jesus came to chat with everyone. my bff and i had exchanged nametags and we're giggling like school girls when jesus called us by the other's name. he's jesus! shouldn't he know who is tami and who is colleen?!

anyway, a theatre company in brooklyn recently bought the hell house package and put one on just for the, ahem, hell of it.

Unknown said...

I have not seen "Hell House," but I have attended Bible school camp, a tent revival, and an old-fashioned creek baptism. Also, I was once forced to visit Heritage, USA. Look it up.

They're all pretty much the same thing.

I hope your acclimation is improving. xo.